Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is New Media

What is new media?  This question has been asked in each of our classes and every week we build on the definition.  New Media is the medium through which we the consumers/producers get our information.  Sometimes it is quick bits through blogs or facebook groups, or through news websites.  In today's age new media technologies allow us to choose what, when and even how to get up to speed with what is going on.  If you want to learn about anything you can start with a Google search and from there you will be presented any of the following; blogs, wikkis, youtube clips etc.  

With NewMedia we are the directors, consumers and even producers of information.

Term Project

For my research project I will be looking into the Impact of Social Networking on Recruiting.  As many of us are avid users of Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace and other social networking sites did you ever wonder how what you post here may be interpreted by future employers?

I will be looking at both academic writings and where possible information available through companies and recruiting firms.  I hope this project is useful to all of you.