Monday, March 9, 2009

Social Networking Sites

So what is better Facebook or MySpace?  They are both popular social networking sites and allow you keep in touch with your friends.  You can get as envolvled as much as you like.  Let the whole world know what your are up to even up to the minute if you like.

For me these sites are new I have accounts on both but do not really use everything they have to offer.  In part because I have little free time to sit at a computer.  Though I am sure if I cut back on some of my tv time I could get to know them better.  My wife is always checking out what is going on and posting photos of what we have done.

Another networking type site I have used in the past is photobucket.  Funny enough I used it to upload some pictures to my myspace.  This tool was easy  to use and it allowed me to post loads of photos and provided  a link to send out to my friends.